SSNbayes - Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis in Stream Networks
Fits Bayesian spatio-temporal models and makes predictions on stream networks using the approach by Santos-Fernandez, Edgar, et al. (2022)."Bayesian spatio-temporal models for stream networks" and Santos-Fernandez, Edgar, et al. (2023). "SSNbayes: An R Package for Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modelling on Stream Networks". In these models, spatial dependence is captured using stream distance and flow connectivity, while temporal autocorrelation is modelled using vector autoregression methods.
Last updated 1 months ago
5.41 score 17 stars 6 scripts 194 downloadsMPCI - Multivariate Process Capability Indices (MPCI)
It performs the followings Multivariate Process Capability Indices: Shahriari et al. (1995) Multivariate Capability Vector, Taam et al. (1993) Multivariate Capability Index (MCpm), Pan and Lee (2010) proposal (NMCpm) and the followings based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA):Wang and Chen (1998), Xekalaki and Perakis (2002) and Wang (2005). Two datasets are included.
Last updated 9 years ago
1.00 score 4 scripts 251 downloads